As time passes, cosmetic issues often begin to appear on the face. Hollows beneath the eyes and sagging skin occur as the production of collagen declines. Wrinkles and fine lines can make the individual appear older than their true age. Drooping around the jawline and the chin is also fairly common. There is an effective cosmetic procedure that was created to deal with all of these issues while resulting in a beautiful, healthy and clear complexion. This procedure is called IPL skin rejuvenation. IPL is an abbreviation for intense pulsed light. The treatment is an excellent option for numerous skin conditions such as the impact of aging, wrinkles and blemishes. The treatment has received approval from the FDA as being effective and safe. The procedure is also referred to as photorejuvenation.
The procedure is straightforward, fairly simple, very effective and has a short period of recovery. These are just some of the reasons the treatment has become so popular. You can treat a lot of different skin issues with IPL skin rejuvenation. Numerous individuals have found the process effective for treating redness, red spots, rosacea and acne. The procedure stimulates your production of collagen. This will help close larger pores, even out your skin texture and eliminate wrinkles. The most common signs of aging are quickly and safely reversed using the power of light. You can either decrease or completely eliminate unwanted blemishes such as broken capillaries, age spots, pigmentation, sun damage and redness. This treatment offers you excellent options not available with so many of the other procedures.
The best candidates have discolored, blotchy or sun-damaged skin, wrinkles, freckles or large pores. This is a convenient option because there is virtually no downtime and the procedure is fast. Even with an extremely busy schedule, this treatment is manageable. It is important to note that individuals with extremely tan or dark skin may not achieve as good of a result from this procedure. The best option for these individuals is to speak with a professional prior to having the treatment. It is very important for you to keep your expectations realistic. This can be accomplished by asking questions and learning the specifics of the procedure. When performed correctly, there are a lot of advantages.
The procedure improves the texture of your skin, minimizes fine lines and wrinkles, decreases the size of your pores and eliminates discolorations. The process is also beneficial for rosacea. This condition results is red blotches on the face. If your cosmetic issues are more serious such as severe acne scars or heavy facial lines, you may want to consider having another procedure in addition to this treatment. There are certain types of skin that this procedure is not recommended for. If you have been using a medicine called Accutane, you need to postpone your treatment until a set amount of time after you have stopped taking the medication. The treatment is also not appropriate for pregnant women.
The rejuvenation is especially effective for decreasing the appearance of moderate damage from the sun, lighter wrinkles and enlarged pores. The professional can make aesthetic improvements efficiently and quickly because the procedure is non-invasive. It is important to understand this treatment does not remove any skin from your face. Numerous procedures treat cosmetic issues by removing a layer of skin. Although this type of treatment is effective, it is often uncomfortable, requires a lengthy period of recovery and can result in complications. This does not mean there are not benefits to a more aggressive type of treatment, just that the risks must be considered first. IPL skin rejuvenation can deal with many of the same issues more safely, without the potential complications, and much faster.
The Procedure for IPL Skin Rejuvenation
Once you have made the decision to have this treatment, there are certain steps you should take prior to the procedure. You should remain out of the sun for a set amount of time before the procedure. Use a high-quality sunscreen. You should discontinue using any products containing fragrance in the days prior to your procedure. Using less irritating, higher grade skin and cosmetic products will keep your skin in better condition in addition to offering faster and better results. You will need to visit the professional prior to your treatment. This will make certain you are a good candidate for the procedure and ensure your results are positive.
During the course of your procedure, an intense light encompassing different wavelengths is focused on different areas of your skin targeted for treatment. The device has a transparent and smooth surface gently pressed against your skin by the professional. This light helps trigger your collagen production to decrease spots, discoloration and redness and fill in shallow scarring, wrinkles and lines. Your damaged tissue in the targeted area will be removed by your body naturally. The range of the wavelength is adjusted according to the specifics of your treatment to help ensure you receive optimal results.
To eliminate the possibility of your skin overheating, a cool gel will be applied. This is usually applied to the area being treated in addition to the handpiece. This will lubricate and help your skin cool down during your procedure. Short pulses of light will be applied to your skin by the professional through the use of the handpiece. The length of time required is dependent on the size of the treatment area. This can be just minutes or about an hour. During your treatment, you will feel a warm sensation on your skin from the handpiece. The number of pulses required also depends on the size of the treatment area.
Once your treatment is completed, you will relax for a fairly short period of time prior to being able to go home. Since the procedure does extremely little damage to your skin, your period of recovery should be extremely minimal. Depending on your skin type and the specifics of your procedure, there may be a little redness on your skin after the treatment. This is nothing to be concerned about and will fade away naturally. In most cases, the redness disappears within hours. The results achieved from the treatment are typically dramatic. After your treatment, your skin will be more sensitive for the weeks that follow. During this period of time, it is extremely important to wear a high-quality sunblock and avoid the sun whenever possible. You must make certain you protect your skin after your procedure.
Provided you take good care of your skin, the results of your treatment can last for a long time. To achieve your optimal results, you may need to have more than one treatment. This is especially true if you are having more than one skin issue treated such as improving the texture of your skin and diminishing wrinkles. This generally requires different treatments to impact the numerous layers of your skin. During your initial consultation with the professional, you will be told how many treatments will be necessary to attain your aesthetic goals. It is important to note this treatment is based on light waves as opposed to a laser. A lot of individuals get these two procedures confused. The procedure using light is completely different from laser skin resurfacing.
Procedures using light and a laser are both considered cosmetic treatments often used for similar issues. It is important to understand when a laser is used, the treatment is usually considered ablative. This means an injury is induced by removing the top layer of your skin. Sometimes, intentional damage from heat is used as opposed to actually removing the layer of skin. This type of treatment is a lot more invasive, and the period of recovery is much longer than with a light-based treatment. Despite the slight overlap of the two treatments, they are not the same in application or results. The treatment using light does not have the risks and complications possible with laser resurfacing such as abnormal healing or making the skin condition even worse. If you are still confused about the difference in procedures, the professional will answer any additional questions you may have.
In most cases, more than one treatment will be necessary. Most individuals require a series of treatments to reach their optimal results. Although the sessions are fast, you will need to be patient. It will take time for you to achieve your desired results. The procedure will provide you with a better texture and overall appearance for your skin for a long period of time. It is important to understand that it is not possible to stop the process of aging. As time passes, you will see new wear and tear appear on your skin. This is the reason so many individuals choose to have another treatment in the future. IPL skin rejuvenation is an effective, easy and safe treatment for numerous different skin issues, blemishes and wrinkles.
The procedure is convenient, has extremely little downtime, offers convenience and provides safe and effective results. Once you have completed your session, it is extremely important you follow a few simple steps. For example, wearing a high-quality sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 every day is extremely important. You also need to stay out of the sun whenever possible to protect your skin and avoid any UV damage in the future. If you see a little redness on your skin after the procedure, do not be concerned. This is normal and will fade away within just hours.
The Benefits of IPL Skin Rejuvenation
The treatment offers you an extremely large variety of benefits. Some of these include:
- Your treatment takes place in an office for added convenience with virtually no need for a recovery period. You will see excellent results without the need for an invasive procedure or surgery.
- This is an exceptional option to help you fight the signs of the aging process to achieve a younger-looking appearance.
- The treatment helps remove scarring, brown spots, red splotches and much more.
- The results of the procedure are designed to last for a long time as opposed to numerous treatments with fairly short-term results.
If you are interested in IPL skin rejuvenation, talk to the professionals at Rejuvu Day Spa and Beauty Haven in West Point. Contact us today to book a consultation and get started!