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How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
This treatment involves precisely targeting unwanted hair with laser energy to kill the hairs at the root. As soon as a root is destroyed, it can no longer grow hair. It takes a series of appointments to achieve a dramatic reduction in hair. Some people are lucky enough to reach their optimal results after just a few sessions. This is something that can be discussed at your consultation, when we work on your personalized treatment plan. The reason that multiple sessions are needed is because different hairs on your body are in different phases of the growth cycle. Multiple sessions help to ensure that every hair gets treated when it will be effective. Your sessions will be spaced out a set amount of time apart.
Who is the Best Candidate for Laser Hair Removal?
This treatment can help reduce hair for many different people. Still, certain combinations of skin tone and hair type are going to respond better than others. The laser targets melanin, which is what gives hair and skin its color. It is easier for the laser to do its job if there is a dramatic difference between the color of the hair and the color of the skin. If you are someone with pale skin and dark hair, you may be an ideal candidate for this treatment.
Thanks to advances in the technology used, laser hair removal is becoming more effective for those with lighter hair. Those with darker skin tones are now able to have some success with this method as well, although their results are typically not as dramatic. Results vary from patient to patient, so it’s important to keep this in mind.
Are There People Who Should Avoid Laser Hair Removal?
This treatment is considered safe and effective for many groups of people. That being said, pregnant and nursing women are often advised to wait to have this treatment, just to err on the side of caution.
Popular Areas for Laser Hair Removal
This is a great treatment because it is effective on so many areas of the body. Special precautions will need to be taken if you are hoping to treat certain areas. Popular target areas for laser hair removal include:
- Upper lip
- Bikini line
- Chin
- Neck
- Shoulders
- Back
- Legs
- Arms
Thanks to advances in technology, larger areas of the body are now able to be treated at one time.
Laser Hair Removal for Men
Although many cosmetic procedures are more associated with women, laser hair removal is definitely one that can benefit men just as much. This treatment can be done to help get rid of that five o’clock shadow or give your facial hair more definition. By doing so, you can stop worrying about having time to shave and those pesky ingrown hairs. Many men also choose to have this treatment done on their shoulders and back to eliminate unwanted hair.
How to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal
The first step in the process is to visit us to have your consultation. This is important because it allows us to create a treatment plan for your specific wants and needs. There are also some things that may be required prior to your first session, such as stopping certain medications. Any medication that is considered to be “photosensitive” needs to be stopped a set amount of time before your appointment. Never stop medications without consulting your primary care doctor.
Certain skin care items should also be discontinued prior to your laser hair removal treatments. These include products that have significant amounts of certain acids or retinol. This is simply because these products can make your skin more sensitive, which is not something you want prior to a laser treatment.
In order to reduce your odds of side effects and increase the chances of success, it is important not to irritate your skin during the days leading up to the treatments. This means you should avoid plucking and waxing. It is fine to continue shaving up until the day of your appointment. In fact, it may be encouraged because it ensures that the laser is attracted to the root of the hair. Avoid the sun as much as possible as well, since the laser will not work as well on tanned skin.
What to Expect with Laser Hair Removal
Although having laser pulses directed at your skin may sound intimidating, the experience is actually quite simple and easy. You may still be able to feel the laser pulses, but the sensation should be no more intense than having a rubber band snapped on your skin.
Before beginning, the area being treated will need to be thoroughly cleaned. A topical numbing cream or gel can then be applied. During the treatment, you will most likely be provided with protective eyewear. Exactly how long the actual treatment portion of your appointment will last can vary drastically. A tiny area such as the upper lip usually takes only minutes. Having your entire legs or back done obviously takes longer.
There is no set downtime after your laser hair removal session. Be sure to bring sunscreen because protecting your skin from the sun will be even more important after your treatment. This option should not prevent you from going about your normal activities afterward. Skip the tanning bed, however, and be sure to follow any personalized aftercare instructions you are given.
The most important thing to remember about this treatment is that consistency is key. Just because hair growth has started to slow, it does not mean you are done with your treatments. Skipping the final sessions will result in less than optimal results. Be sure to attend every appointment.
Is Laser Hair Removal Safe?
The lasers used in this treatment have been thoroughly studied to safely and effectively remove unwanted hair. There are no known long-term side effects associated with having this treatment done. Some redness is normal after your treatment and should fade within a matter of hours or days. If you are particularly concerned about how your skin will react to the treatment, a small patch of skin may be tested before moving onto larger areas of the body.
What Results Can Be Expected with Laser Hair Removal?
This treatment can dramatically reduce the amount of hair in the treated area(s). That being said, the results are not technically considered permanent. Most people find that touch-up treatments as needed are enough to keep them from having to turn to other hair removal methods. If and when the hair does start to grow back, you can expect for it to be thinner and lighter than it was prior to treatment.
After the initial appointment, you can expect to see a reduction of hair in the treated area. Some hair follicles will need multiple treatments before responding. We can give you a better idea of how many sessions you might need at your consultation after evaluating the target area and getting an idea of your goals for the treatment.
Do keep in mind that the results of this treatment vary from patient to patient. The treatment is actually pretty versatile because it can be used to eliminate unwanted hair, or it can be used to simply manage unwanted hair growth. For instance, it can be used to thin the hair in certain areas rather than removing it entirely. Sometimes, this is the type of outcome that people want depending on the treatment area and the goals they are looking to achieve.
How to Get the Most Out of Your Results
There are ways you can help your treatment along to make sure you get the best possible results. Exfoliating and shaving in between treatment sessions can help encourage healthy hair growth. This, in turn, makes it easier for the laser to target hair follicles and do its job. Waxing, bleaching, and plucking all need to be avoided during the treatment period. If a particular area in the target region seems to be growing hair more often than others, be sure to mention it at your next session.
Again, you will want to pay attention to any supplements you are taking, both during the treatment phase and after your achieve your desired results. If you are taking something to help the head on your hair grow longer, there is a chance it will be stimulating your body hair as well.
Learn More About Laser Hair Removal
If you are still not sure whether or not laser hair removal is right for you, feel free to get in touch with us at ReJUVU Day Spa & Beauty Haven. We would be happy to schedule you for a consultation at our office, where we can evaluate the hair you would like removed and create a customized treatment plan. If you have been looking for a way to simplify your grooming routine, this may be the perfect treatment choice for you!
ReJUVU Day Spa & Beauty Haven is conveniently located in West Point, UT. Contact us today to book an appointment and get started.