Laser Tattoo Removal

Laser Tattoo Removal
Do you feel that a tattoo you may have gotten in the past no longer holds the same meaning? That tattoo might have seemed ideal at the time, but recent changes in your life might have lead you to regret it. 

For instance, the tattoo might be in a very noticeable place, somewhere that you might not be able to cover up so easy, which could be a problem for work. Or perhaps you have had the tattoo for quite a while now, and the ink is starting to fade or bleed. Either way, tattoo removal is a cutting-edge treatment option we now offer at ReJUVU Day Spa and Beauty Haven to help you reclaim clearer skin.

About Laser Tattoo Removal

Laser therapies have been used for some time to remove hyperpigmentation from the skin for medical reasons, and they can now also be used to remove tattoo ink. Laser light is applied to the desired area which breaks up the pigment in the tattoo, destroying all of the ink at a cellular level and helping it fade from sight.

The color of your tattoo will be one of the factors that your specialist uses to decide on how many sessions you will need. The duration and number of sessions will also depend on the size of the tattoo as well. The bigger it is, the longer the session and more laser pulses will be required.

Is Laser Tattoo Removal Right For Me?

If you are interested in getting a tattoo removed, book a consultation with us. During this appointment, a specialist will take a look at the affected area and will decide on the best course of action for you. 

They will inform you of your treatment and how many sessions you might expect to see the best possible results. You will also need to let the specialist know if you have any health conditions that they might need to be made aware of as these might determine your candidacy.

What Can I Expect After Treatment?

There are very little side effects associated with tattoo removal. Some patients may experience mild soreness, swelling, or redness in the treated area. However, this usually resolve themselves after a few days once the skin has healed.

If you want to try to speed up your recovery after the tattoo removal, you should avoid applying any heat to the area, such as from hot baths, showers, or saunas. It is also highly advisable to apply sunscreen to the affected area, especially when spending extended periods of time outdoors.

Contact Us Today!

If you think you are ready to speak to us about your tattoo removal, give us a call at ReJUVU Day Spa and Beauty Haven! We can’t wait to help you reclaim the very best in your skin!
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