Pico Laser

A Non-Thermal Solution for the Reduction and Removal of Tattoos and Pigmentation

How do I know if a PicoLazer treatment

is right for me?

The PicoLazer can treat a wide variety of benign pigmented lesions, almost all colors of tattoo ink on all skin types, as well as acne scars and wrinkles—so it's very likely that PicoLazer could work for you! Its 450ps pulse duration is the shortest in the world requiring fewer treatments than other lasers. The technology used by the PicoLazer helps to achieve desired results with minimal to no discomfort redness or downtime Speak to your skin care specialist about a treatment plan that's right for you.

Is PicoLazer Safe?

PicoLazer's ultra-fast pulse duration provides a minimal amount of heat. Less heat means less damage to surrounding skin and less risk of injury.

What does the treatment feel like?

When treating pigmented lesions, most patients report the procedure as having very little discomfort and describe the treatment as a tiny rubber band snap. Tattoo removal treatments may require additional energy: therefore, a numbing cream or other aids may be used to minimize any discomfort associated with the treatment.

How long does the procedure take?

Procedure time depends on the size of the area to be treated. 15-20 minutes is common for an average-sized tattoo or skin revitalization treatment.

How many treatments are required?

For the removal of a tattoo the size, the color and the location on the body play important factors in how quickly clearance can be achieved. 3-10 treatments spaced out every 8-weeks is common for most tattoos. The number of treatments for removing benign pigmentation and skin revitalization usually only requires 1-3 treatments. Speak to your skin care specialist about a treatment plan that's right for you.

How long will the results Last?

The removal and reduction of tattoos and acne scars provide permanent results

Skin revitalization treatments are long-lasting However, as we age some pigment conditions can reoccur. A PicoLazer treatment every 6 months may help prevent unwanted pigment and slow the appearance of wrinkles.

Will there be scarring?

Scarring and hypopigmentation (a lightening in the skin color of the treated area) are very rare. If these issues do occur, they are usually temporary and normal skin is typically restored once healing is complete.

What is the recovery time?

Recovery times will vary from patient to patient. Things to consider are the type of treatment being performed, the area of the body where the treatment is taking place and the patient's ability to heal. Typical treatment  intervals are 4 weeks for pigmented lesions and 8 weeks for tattoo removal. Your skin care provider will create a personalized treatment plan for you.

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