Radio Frequency

What is Radio Frequency?

Radiofrequency therapy is a non-invasive treatment to address fine lines and sagging skin. Radiofrequency emanates energy waves that heat the deep layers of your skin (dermis). thus stimulating the production of fibroblasts, which play a critical role in the production of collagen. In addition to the stimulation of collagen production, radiofrequency triggers tissue contraction resulting in tighter skin. 

Why Radiofrequency?

Collagen and elastin help to improve skin texture and elasticity and minimize the appearance of enlarged pores, superficial acne, scarring and fine lines and wrinkles. At about the age of 25, we being the aging process and lose about 1% of collagen each year.

This loss of collagen and elastin leads to less plump and radiant skin. Radiofrequency skin tightening stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, resulting in tighter skin. The best part about radiofrequency treatments is that they don't require injections or surgery.

Radiofrequency skin tightening addresses sagging skin by promoting collagen production. It's an ideal treatment for anyone with mild sagging skin on their face and neck, though it can be used on other areas of the body. While the results aren't permanent, they are long-lasting and can be maintained with just a couple of treatments per year.

Benefits of Radiofrequency Skin Tightening

  • Boosts collagen production
  • Offers immediate results
  • Accelerates healing
  • Tightens skin
  • Improves texture and tone overall

Treatment Areas:


Radiofrequency will help improve jawline definition, sculpt cheekbones, tighten the neck, and enhance the contours of the face.

How to Prepare for Radiofrequency Skin Tightening

Unlike some cosmetic treatments, radiofrequency skin tightening doesn't require much prep work. However, if you've recently had a microneedling treatment, chemical peel or dermal fillers, it's best to wait a minimum of 4 weeks before getting skin tightening.

What to Expect During a Radiofrequency Skin Tightening Treatment?

Radiofrequency skin tightening treatments aren't typically painful. More often radiofrequency treatments are very comfortable. You will feel a light warming sensation similar to that of a hot stone massage.

A thin layer of cooled ultrasound gel is applied to the treatment area to aid in the transmittal of the radiofrequency wavelengths.

While radiofrequency skin tightening does work well to tighten and tone skin, it doesn't do so by melting or dissolving fat. Rather, radiofrequency is used to tighten the skin by building collagen.


Considering the side effects of radiofrequency skin tightening are minimal, aftercare isn't much to worry about. Patients may experience mild redness. More often than not, they can get back to their normal skincare routines and activities immediately after treatment, without fear of looking flushed or burned.

As for results, often you will immediately see a tighter and more contoured appearance following an RF ski tightening treatment. "Results last two-to-three weeks after the first treatment and longer after subsequent treatment," A series of six treatment is recommended to promote optimal collagen remodeling and one to two treatments a year for maintenance thereafter.

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