What Is Laser Hair Removal?
How Long Does This Treatment Last?
How Does It Work and Why Does It Work So Well?
About Laser Technology
How Do Lasers Remove Hair?
Why Do the Results Last So Long?
How Safe Is It?
What Areas of the Body Can Be Treated?
How Long Does a Treatment Take?
What Should You Do to Prepare?
Why Is This Hair Removal Treatment More Effective Than Other Methods?
Shaving has been practiced since the 1700s and, admittedly, it’s a little out of date. When you shave, you apply a very sharp, thin razer to the surface of your skin. Because the razer is so thin, it can cut your hair very close, giving it the appearance of being gone…but it isn’t! Shaving does not affect the hair follicle at all, which is why the hair can quickly grow back.
The Downsides
Shaving has a number of downsides besides the need for constant repetition. When you shave, the razer inevitably removes a thin layer of skin along with the hair. Shaving often can lead to redness and irritation of your skin. This “razor burn” is a common complaint among people who shave. Another way shaving can cause irritation is by affecting the direction in which some of the hairs grow. When this happens, you get red bumps and ingrown hairs. The more often you shave, the more likely this is to occur.
Depilatory Creams
The Downsides
The use of depilatory creams is not very popular, and for good reason. In order for them to work, you need to leave them on your skin for some time. Most people don’t like the idea of applying chemicals to themselves for an extended period. Depending on your skin, there is a good chance these creams will cause irritation. Often they have an odor that is not pleasant.
Waxing has been practiced even longer than shaving. The ancient Egyptians actually had a similar method that involved mixing sugar with oil and applying it to the skin. Waxing works by ripping the hair out from the root. While the results last longer than shaving, the hair will grow back after a few weeks.
The Downsides
Like shaving and depilatory creams, waxing can cause irritation. The wax adheres to you as well as your hair, meaning that the act of pulling it off puts a strain on your skin. If not done carefully and by a good professional, you can even get injured. Additionally, red bumps and ingrown hairs can occur.
How Laser Hair Removal Eliminates All Hairs
Since our hair grows in cycles, at any given time only 20% to 40% of the hairs are growing at a length that is removable at any one time. Hairs do not grow at the same time, so when you choose to remove them, some will be visible above the surface while others are not. To remove all hairs, you need to get rid of the hairs on the surface and then wait for the ones that are in a different cycle to grow out.
The Benefits of This Hair Removal Treatment
Choose Laser Hair Removal
Finally, we have a solution to the problem of unwanted hairs that is convenient and delivers lasting results: laser hair removal. This method works because the lasers are highly focused beams of light that can target your hairs without affecting the tissue around them. During the treatment, the light from the laser is absorbed by the follicle and converted into heat, which makes the follicle unable to produce another hair. The existing hair then falls out, leaving you smooth.